Photo gallery: Brett Favre in Canton


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over the years, i've seen and heard many people say some pretty crappy things about this man, but he remains one of my sports heroes. his speech - done entirely off the cuff - was epic in my opinion and embodied the best of what team sports is all about.

over the years, i've seen and heard many people say some pretty crappy things about this man, but he remains one of my sports heroes. his speech - done entirely off the cuff - was epic in my opinion and embodied the best of what team sports is all about.

Definitely one of my sports heroes too. The story he told of over hearing his father say he'd rebound after playing poorly and how it motivated him throughout his career was really something.
2 things in his speech were big IMHO ... this part which is gospel truth
My mother taught me that being there for your children -- my mother taught me that being there for your children is absolutely important. I never, not one time, remembered my parents ever not being there at a sporting event, any school function, you name it. [bcolor=#ffff00]They were always there. We ate dinner together, we ate breakfast together, we rode to school together, we did everything together, and that's something that's been lost in this generation[/bcolor].

And the end which is something every young person needs to hear :
"I've said this to my daughters, and I'll say it to any young person out there who is playing sports: Don't ever look back and regret not doing your best. Don't ever look back, because there are no second chances. When you're 25 and you wish you would have done something in high school, it's too late. Don't cheat yourself. Don't cheat your teammates. Work as hard as you possibly can. Lay it all on the line, and whatever happens, happens. But you won't look back in regret.