At the Bye.......


Carpe Diem
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8-2 ??!! Nobody really thought this was possible even after preseason. Not a dominant team but very competitive. I knew that ML would bring a fresh culture into GB but wasn't sure if the team and front office would buy it quickly. They did and my goodness what a difference.

Want to touch on something I see on social media a lot now which is people blaming ML for the defense. I strongly believe and have heard this from the person I know in the organization that MP came with the deal. If the defense ultimately is the reason they can't get over the hump then I fully expect ML to make a change.

Have to stay healthy and as Coach says take it one game at a time. Enjoy the off week and gopackgo
Who in their right mind thinks ML has anything to do with the D? He's not McCarthy sticking his nose in it, from day 1 in 2019 this has been Pettine's show. Gute has done everything within reason to give MP the types of players he says he wants, of course the hole at ILB is still there but with the investment across the board at every level of the D, there's no excuse for the way teams are finding huge holes in coverage week after week. Preventing pts is what it's all about but they can't be running 60-70 plays on D every week, MP has to find a way to get them off the field.

Anyway, it's one of those things that needs to just play out. As Mark said, I don't think anyone really expected 8-2 at the bye. On the one hand I'm happy with whatever happens because my expectations weren't quite that high. One the other, every year is different, there is no dominant team in the NFC and we have a damn good opportunity in front of us to go on a run right now so we've gotta grab it while it's there. Excited for the rest of the season!
I agree Pettine IMO was a Murphy hire forced on MM and then ML. I just hope ML would be allowed to make a change and Murphy would not block it.
Sorry for the multiple posts, just thinking ahead. If MP does get canned, would the team be scheme limited because of personnel? Would they need to stick with a 3-4, or could they run a 4-3? The Smiths have always played 3-4 OLB, but they were both DEs in college and have the size to play end. Gary was a 4-3 end. We'd need two LB anyway, but now you're looking for a more dynamic player at weak side backer. Shouldn't change much in the secondary. I don't know the answer, we just seem better suited to a conversion now than when CMIII was our best player.
Sorry for the multiple posts, just thinking ahead. If MP does get canned, would the team be scheme limited because of personnel? Would they need to stick with a 3-4, or could they run a 4-3? The Smiths have always played 3-4 OLB, but they were both DEs in college and have the size to play end. Gary was a 4-3 end. We'd need two LB anyway, but now you're looking for a more dynamic player at weak side backer. Shouldn't change much in the secondary. I don't know the answer, we just seem better suited to a conversion now than when CMIII was our best player.
Switching your scheme isn't as big of deal as it's made out to be.... honestly need a MLB and another DT. Really an easy conversion should they choose to go that route.
looks like james jones' preseason prediction of 13-3 could actually come true. i thought i was optimistic at 11-5, but now i think 12-4 is a realistic goal. i'm pleasantly surprised by 8-2, but not shocked.
Mike will figure something out on defense. Maybe he doesn't want to reveal everything before the playoffs.

Look for improvements from here on out, especially in December.
I'm almost certain Pettine came with the job. I don't think the front office wanted to send a message that they'd fire a coach before he had a chance to make things work. I also agree that he's probably on a short leash.

I think the decision to keep him may well have been who was out there that they wanted, and how did they fit into the idea of a 3-4 defense. It's easy enough to say you're changing the system, but we're back to those square pegs/round holes, and that can set a defense back a couple of years, as they retool.

I know, with an offense, you can't just plug and play most players, not even offensive linemen.

Since the Packers have already won the number of games I projected, with one more win making it my "max" projection, I have to say I'm very happy with the results. I believe the marriage between the Packer offense, Rodgers, and ML is on solid footing. Now all we need to do is turn our defense into an elite group, and we could get a Lombardi!
Mike will figure something out on defense. Maybe he doesn't want to reveal everything before the playoffs.

Look for improvements from here on out, especially in December.
If he’s waiting for the playoffs he should be fired now. This is part scheme and part talent. Still issues at LB and DL depth but this was never a one year fix.