A. J. Hawk officially retires


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Okay! I know there's going to be back-lash for posting this. Before anyone starts ranting about how horrible a player Hawk was, and how he never lived up to expectations, I want you to consider these facts carefully.

Hawk had more unassisted tackles for the Green Bay Packers than any other player in history. That's one helluva lot of guys who have played, and done so much for this team. Yet, at the top of the heap, with the toughest tackle of all - where you get no help - he is #1. Unassisted tackles are what stops guys from going the distance, and getting big gainers, when they've gotten past everyone else.

Hawk is the overall leader in total tackles for a career. He has nearly 100 more than his nearest competitor, John Anderson. 1118-1020. It took Anderson 12 years to reach that total. Hawk did it in 9.

Hawk led the Packers in tackles five seasons. The only person to match that was Barnett. This is an amazing figure for both of them. You only see stats like that from guys like Watt in Houston. That's right up there with some of the best in the history of the game, for their teams.

Only one player had more tackles in his first year on the Packers as a rookie. He was that solid from day one.

When you think about it, Hawk brought a lot of game with him. He was there, steady, dependable, and a team leader. When he called the defensive signals, and read the offenses, they played better defense than they have, since the duty was given to someone else. It hasn't gotten better.

Over the years, I watched Hawk play, and saw him doing his assigned job, play after play. Sometimes it looked like he was out of position, but in reality, he was trying to make a recovery to make up for someone else on the defense blowing their job.

Anyhow, when you read how he's officially retired, think about him with the respect he deserves, not by how some people who didn't understand his job, judged him. He was a damned good player, and that "But was he good enough to be the #5 pick?," BS doesn't wash, because a lot of guys drafted that early, and earlier, never even made a mark in the NFL. Hawk Did.

Thanks for being a Packer A. J.
Always liked the guy... he got a bad wrap playing behind garbage D-Lines. AJ always called the defense correctly and kept things flowing.

He belonged in a 43 over set as a MLB but still managed those numbers in 34 set. The man will be in the Packer HOF because of it... critics be damned. Enjoy the rest of your life Mr Hawk... Thanks for your service ! hof(br)
Guy was not fancy or flashy. BUT he came to play ever week and gave everything he had. He was an above average player. Not fast but a sure tackler. Hawk always did what was asked of him never complained and deserves credit for what he did in Green Bay.
Wish the Pack would have signed him for a day and let him retire a Packer

Thanks AJ! Will be sporting your jersey tomorrow at the playoff game!
They would have but Ted refused to sign a FA! :D

I think the thing that diminished AJ in people's eyes is where he was drafted. Fans expected more out of a guy taken with the 5th pick in the draft. And that's not Hawk's fault. He loved it in Green Bay and I always liked him for that. Glad he got a ring!
Agree with Wolf. I personally never had a problem with Hawk and thought he was a solid player who did his job. That said, I along with others, hoped for a bit more from a guy taken at the #5 spot in the draft. Some called him a bust, but I can't agree with that at all. He was far from a bust. Just wasn't the kind of stand-out difference maker you "hoped" for at #5.

Now, that whole draft did not produce much in the way of spectacular players in the first round. Of the next 10 or so picks after Hawk (and maybe even the 4 taken ahead of him?), the only one I'd take hands down over Hawk would probably be Haloti Ngata. There were a number of solid players in that group like Whitner and Vernon Davis, but other than Ngata, I'm not so sure I'd want any of them over Hawk.
i always felt bad for the guy when fans called him a bust. there is no way that anyone could ever justify calling him a bust. i can understand the line of reasoning that says we should have been able to get a true blue-chip difference maker at #5, but even that doesn't really hold up when you examine the 2006 draft closely. i liked the guy a lot and am glad that he was a packer.
His three weeks on the active roster for Atlanta gave him another accrued season in the league, which he thought was pretty cool.
Elite HOF caliber players are rare for a reason. In terms of a guy who contributes over the long term to the success of the team he's actually one of the better first round picks of the last 15 years.

Hard worker, solid tackling technique, and was intelligent enough to run the defense on the field effectively. He provided leadership. GB still hasn't replaced him in that regard. That brain fart that allowed ARi to win that playoff game doesn't happen with Hawk on the field.

And to CB's point. I'm shocked they didn't do something like that. It's the least they could do for him. Maybe he would have refused, I don't know if he harbors any ill feelings for getting unceremoniously shown the door after all he did. But it should have been a no brainer.