Aaron Rodgers cuts cheese from diet


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The most popular athlete in America's dairyland no longer plans to eat cheese.

Eddie Lacy isn't the only member of the Green Bay Packers to make some significant dietary changes this offseason. Though it may shock some cheeseheads, Aaron Rodgers has decided to stop eating all diary products as part of his new nutrition plan, according to ESPN's Rob Demovsky.

"I just wanted to get healthier," Rodgers explained. "I've done a lot of research and talked with Adam Korzun, our nutritionist, and some other friends around the league about how I can extend my career and how I can be and feel healthier."

One of those friends Rodgers mentioned is New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who released a nutrition guide earlier this year. Brady, who turns 39 in August, has enjoyed a long, mostly healthy career. Rodgers, now 32 years old, appears to seek similar longevity for himself.

Rodgers claims to have already seen results from his new diet, claiming to now weigh around 218 pounds. That mark nearly matches what the quarterback weighed when he first arrived in Green Bay back in 2005.

"I came in at 216.9, and I'm as light as I've been since that year," Rodgers said of his progress. "I would like to play between 218 and 220. I think that's how I can extend my career if I can eat a little bit better."

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This is what happens when people have too much time and money on their hands. Unless Rodgers was scarfing down jars of velveeta, giving up cheese isn't going to make him healthier or lengthen his career.

Talk about a false correlation... Want to know why Brady has had a long productive career? Genetics, and because he gets rid of the damn ball on time and doesn't get hit.

<end of rant>
on the main page, the link to this thread is "Aaron Rodgers cuts cheese ..." (at least on my screen it is). i came here expecting a much different article.
If avoiding dairy products helps him stay healthy and allows him to be our starting QB longer I'm all for it! ch(
Trying to find the fountain of youth in your 30's. Can't blame him but you can't get away from father time.