Jace Sternberger says Rodgers called an audible from 2014


Carpe Diem
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Tyler Dunne with Jace Sternberger. Give this a listen and post your thoughts. I thought this was quite interesting.

After listening to that,

Read this>>>
MVS detailed the setup in Green Bay perfectly. He says there are “two playbooks” in Green Bay, the one LaFleur employs and the one Rodgers employs.

“There are times (Rodgers) may say, ‘That might not work’ or ‘We’re going to go no-huddle, I’m going to call the plays,’” Valdes-Scantling said in our convo down in Florida. “Those are things that happen. You’ve got to be able to do that. It’s not super simplistic where some coaches say, ‘This is the play. Run that play.’ And if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. There are teams like that. There are quarterbacks like that who say, ‘I’m going to call whatever’s called.’ … That’s the balance they’ve done a great job of creating. There are times he lets Aaron do his thing. And there are times where Aaron lets Matt call the plays.”
Not shocking really were they not saying ML was giving Rodgers a couple plays he could usually pick from? Rodgers wants to be like Peyton Manning pretty much go up call whatever he wants to call because he feels he has the right to do it. Makes you wonder will another team give Rodgers this power to run the offense as he sees fit.
Not shocking really were they not saying ML was giving Rodgers a couple plays he could usually pick from? Rodgers wants to be like Peyton Manning pretty much go up call whatever he wants to call because he feels he has the right to do it. Makes you wonder will another team give Rodgers this power to run the offense as he sees fit.
Yes some team will. I have no doubt in my mind about that
Yes some team will. I have no doubt in my mind about that
I would not do it. I would not give him control of the offense. Rodgers is the guy it works out great he will take the credit but if it goes south he won't take the blame for it.
I would not do it. I would not give him control of the offense. Rodgers is the guy it works out great he will take the credit but if it goes south he won't take the blame for it.
I don’t think it’s about taking credit it’s about wins and losses
Forget about another team giving him that power.... WTH are you doing checking to a play from 2014 when most of your guys weren't even on the team?? Also if you're not completely committed to ML playbook then yeah folks we have a problem!
Also, IMO, this is why Love was drafted.
Just as Shanny controls what play the QB can run, so too ML wants a QB who will run his play that he calls.
12 goes off-script more than we have been lead to believe. And I think that’s a point of contention with ML.