Eddie Lacy nearing the end?


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He gets benched again for ineffective play. Are we seeing the Packers getting to their wits end with him and could he be a surprise cut next year in training camp?
Yes. He has gone from Eddie to Big ED. His 'training routine' has haunted him.
The Packer have toed the line and claim his weight is fine, but he looks as big as a guard out there. With the line decimated by injury, Big ED can't create on his own. He performs north-south, break the line THEN make a spin/move. He is too slow to pop outside. Big ED will get cut, but if he could get back to Eddie he might have a chance.
I think we're looking at a player for whom success always came easy, and now that it isn't he doesn't know how to handle it. He's at a crossroads in his young career. He needs to commit full time to training this offseason, strengthen his core, study film - in other words grow up and be a professional.

If he goes back home to watch cartoons and eat moms cooking for six months he's going to be out of the league in 2 years.
I think your all overreacting. That OL is awful... the holes are not there. Also Lacy is an I back not a pistol or spread guy. Why is Starks doing well ? He was a Spread back in college it fits him. ( So was Crockett who did well last night off the pistol set)

Why is the run game struggling as a whole ? Because some dumb shit in the off season decided that it would be a good idea to scheme this offense one way while the personal was based on another whole concept. ( MM was delegating authority while ordering Jimmy Johns)

The scheme is crap... the depth is average and the injuries are eating this team away.
I think your all overreacting. That OL is awful... the holes are not there. Also Lacy is an I back not a pistol or spread guy. Why is Starks doing well ? He was a Spread back in college it fits him. ( So was Crockett who did well last night off the pistol set)

Why is the run game struggling as a whole ? Because some dumb shit in the off season decided that it would be a good idea to scheme this offense one way while the personal was based on another whole concept. ( MM was delegating authority while ordering Jimmy Johns)

The scheme is crap... the depth is average and the injuries are eating this team away.

I agree it is part scheme but Lacy admits he does not really do any off season conditioning besides maybe a jog every now and then. He needs to focus on getting in shape and watch what he eats. It's more important for a guy like him who has always been a larger back to watch his workout then a small faster back
I keep hearing about how awful the O-line is and how the depth is average but what do you expect? 6 guys on the O-line are on the weekly injury list. All 5 starters plus Tretter. They only have 8 offensive linemen on the roster. Last year the offensive line was a strength and they got Bulaga back for this year. It should have been a strength again this year. For as bad as the injuries are this season we need to just be thankful they can even compete.

Additionally, Nelson, Adams, Montgomery, Cobb, Lacy and Quarless have all been injured and missed time. How much quality depth can any team have that can cover for those numbers of injuries?
Whatever the circumstances the team has a decision to make on Lacy, whether to re-sign him or not, and if so for how much. After two great years he has fallen off a cliff and he needs to make sure he's doing everything on his end to make the team feel confident about his ability to produce for a reasonable portion of any potential contract extension.
Reports out that Lacy was benched because he had a very poor week at practice.
The line is certainly part of the problem, BUT there have been occasions where the other RBs are getting yards and BIG ED isn't. I can certainly buy that the scheme is partly the issue, but hasn't this been "mostly" the same scheme for all 3 years that BIG ED has been here? B.E. needs to at least show up looking like he is in decent shape. Even with a different scheme, the running back still needs to be able to bounce things outside when the defense over-commits to stopping the run inside and right now, B.E. isn't agile enough to make that happen. He needs to lose 15-20# and get ready for next season.

I don't believe he gets cut but rather comes to camp. The Packers should CYA at the position and add a RB in the draft for insurance. If he's still out of shape and others look better in camp . . . then maybe B.E. gets the axe.